Happy Birthday T! (officially yesterday)

Happy birthday friend! Wow, have we really lived together for 3 years? When we bought this house you moved in with us and we put up the Christmas tree together right away! It has been so great to have you here. We love you "T." Michael loves watching sports with you and I love living with not one (hubby) but two (that's you) of my favorite people! And now we have a 4th little person in our house, and it's so fun to watch the two of you interact. Tegegne loves you and thinks about you several times a day. Usually at breakfast and lunch he'll say, "Bye bye Ababayeh, bye bye T."

For breakfast Micah made "T" strawberry crepes and I just happened to be awake to enjoy them as well! They were delicious! After dinner the two of them made a yummy blackberry cobbler in her cast iron skillet.
Taryn enjoyed dinner at Cherith Brook where Micah lives and shares his life. Both of them are very involved in this ministry and community. I have been quite encouraged to hear of their stories and see the work of the Lord through this place and these people. Here is a bit of their mission, but check out their blog.
Cherith Brook is a residential Christian community committed to sharing table fellowship with strangers and all our resources with one another. We have found our inspiration from the early church, the Church of the Saviour and the Catholic Worker.
Our daily lives are structured around practicing the works of mercy as found in Jesus' teachings. We are committed to regularly feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, visiting the prisoner and the sick in the name of Jesus. ~As followers of Jesus we understand our lives to be centered in God's Shalom. Cherith Brook strives to be a "school" for peacemaking in all its dimensions: political, communal, and personal, working constantly to undo poverty, racism and militarism. ~All of these can be summed up as the struggle to connect with the God of life. We pray that Cherith Brook be a space where all of us - the broken - can come to learn and relearn the ways of Jesus; a place to struggle together for God's call of love, mercy, peace and justice.
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