In case you are wondering, we hope to wrap up our dossier within the next couple of weeks. Then we will wait, wait until we know your name, and wait until we can come and get you. Speaking of your name, that is often what people ask me about when we talk about you. They say, what are you going to name him? Or will he have a name? My answer to them is that of course you have a name. As your dad and I have discussed your name we ask ourselves if it will be easy to read and pronounce here. We do not want you to be exhausted your whole life trying to tell people how to say your name. At the same time we would love for you to keep the Ethiopian culture in your name. So we will wait to see what it is. In the mean time we researched Ethiopian names and here are some of them we found on the male top 100 Ethiopian names list:
Kalaebe Lebna Hagos Desta Bekele
Salem Kalaeb Mangesha Ogbay Almaz
Melugeta Abebe Mathias Bereket Muluken
Henok Daniel Solomon Biruk Samuel
Abel Mohammed Yonas Elias Abraham
Addis Surafel Biniam Kibrom Tsegay
Biniyam Habtamu Fitsum Michael Abdu
Tadesse Nebiyu Ermiyas Tewodrus Ephrem
(If you, the reader, feel inspired to think of a new name an original, your very own, please share it with us!)
Little guy, your dad and I love you. Sleep tight.
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