Your Aunt Tricia enjoys running, mothers play group, and praying for and catching up with friends. She gives great hugs and is warm and welcoming. Tricia is patient and thoughtful. She is a nurse at St. Lukes Hospital and a wonderful mom to Zion and wife to Jeremy.
Aunt Taryn enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with people...all sorts of people. She is recently pondering on life-changing ideas, and God is shaping her into someone so beautiful and honorable. She has a boyfriend named Micah, who is pretty stinkin' cool too.
And lastly we have Auntie Jessie, she loves all kinds of great things. Fashion, yoga, her kitty, her family, and warm sunny weather. She is a great wife to Mr. Gerard Brown. Jessie is talented, and it is neat to see the Lord bless the work of her hands. She connects well with people and makes them feel special.
So these are some of my pals. Aren't they lovely? I sure wish you could introduce me to your little African friends. I bet they are pretty great too.
Love you.
P.S. GMAPFS=Girls Meeting and Praying For Stuff. These are the girls that I pray with each week.
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