I watched this film this weekend, A Walk To Beautiful. It is a documentary on Ethiopian women who live in rural areas outside of Addis Ababa and what they go through with health complications in childbirth. I have been thinking about these women often and my heart goes out to them. You can watch it on PBS online.
I think I will look for a few more documentaries on your country before we travel.
I was packing your things tonight. They suggest 5 outfits for you while we are there. I need to buy a few more items to make your outfits complete. Also need some cozy pjs that will fit you and a onsie that is extremely cozy for the long trek home. Your dad can hardly stand looking at your little clothes right now because he's so ready for you to be in them!
Tis the season of Advent where we prepare for Christ's coming into the world! We are being watchful and aware of what God has going on in and around us. Tomorrow night we will pray for the Judge as he reviews our papers (9 hours difference in ET so Dec 8 happens there before it happens here). I'll let you know on Tuesday when I hear from America World.
Love you dear.
When we traveled to Ethiopia, we met an incredible woman who heads up an organization ministering to teenage orphan girls (www.childrensheaven.org). Her name was Hanna Fanta. Hanna graciously introduced us to her ministry, but also took us to the Fistula Hospital (where "A Walk to Beautiful" takes place) and to the Leper Hospital, where leper patients produce incredible textile products. Lory and I would gladly put in contact with Hanna before you travel...and she will take you on the most amazing journey around Addis Ababa. Ethiopia is an amazing place.
ReplyDeleteDave Howlett (husband to Lory)
P.S. - Our family will also be praying for your passage in court tonight.
ReplyDeleteI am writing to you on behalf of Engel Entertainment, the company that produced A Walk to Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWe came across your blog post in our regular web search for mentions of our film. We’re grateful for your help in getting the word out about A Walk to Beautiful and its critical message about obstetric fistula. We wish you much luck in your adoption process.
I just wanted to let you know about the feature length version of A Walk to Beautiful (85 min.), available on DVD with a wealth of special features and bonus materials. These include deleted scenes, commentaries, and two additional films, one of which revisits some of the same women featured in the film, three years after their inspiring journey. This full-length feature version is available only on our website, www.walktobeautiful.com, or by calling, 212-413-9200. The DVD currently presented on Amazon is the shorter, one hour PBS version, whereas the full length feature is only available on our website.
The DVD it will be on sale for $24.99 (Reg. $29.99) until 12/24. This is a great opportunity to share the film and its message with friends and family during the holiday season.
Feel free to contact us at awtb@engelentertainment.com with any questions. Thank you once again for your support. It is so important for the world at large to become aware of this issue.
Engel Entertainment