So while you were sleeping, we got some cool news. One of our close friends at your mom's work decided to round up as many as possible to support your mom. He did it just because that is who he is; a great guy. We were planning on going 3 months w/o your mom getting paid maternity leave. Now, thanks to the Lord and thanks to your mom's co-workers who are both so gracious and giving, we have a paid maternity leave. Everyone gave just a little bit, and it added up to a whole lot. We just needed to tell 360 another thank you. Words don't express what just happened. It isn't about us, it is about you Son, and you are being blessed even when you are in a distant land.
The Lord wants you here son. He wants you to feel loved and feel needed.
The Lord is brining His orphan home.
gives me chills. the Lord's name be praised.