Grandma Ileen, your Great Grandma. Oh, the stories and memories I have with her. I cannot
wait to share them with you. I look forward to you making memories with her, too!
(Making mud pies & forts in the woods, reading Heidi 100 times, spa days with Lindsey,
stories about her growing up in Denver with 'ol Lady Roth, and other scary stories
about the lady with the golden arm, baking, and more baking...mostly licking the spoon,
trips with the Old Car Club. She would even put my towel in the dryer so it would be warm
when I got out of the bath! I spent LOTS of time with my Grandma & Grandpa!) |
We can't wait for your return while Michael is on his school trip to France. And of course the family reunion with all the cousins!