1. Tell us about yourself and your family.
Our little family started just 3 years ago in 2010 when Nick and I got married. Then a year ago, Judah was born and has added the most incredible dynamic to who we are. Nick works at Premier Marketing and is a photo wizard. Seriously incredible. He also has a photo company called
SCOUT visual, so he stays busy with that as well. I am an art teacher at an urban school that is grades K-5. Judah stays with family and good friends while we work and saves lots of energy for fun with us at night and on the weekends!
2. You are the coolest art teacher, but what else do you do?
Along with teaching art, I stay busy with a few little "hobbies". I sell vintage clothing and other little treasures at a place called
600 Central here in Kansas City. It's such a cool store with 4 floors of incredible vintage furniture and goodies. Judah has gotten really great at helping me explore the city for great vintage finds.

I also do hair for weddings and other special events on the weekends (mostly in the Summer when I'm on Summer break. (
www.loveyourbobbypins.wordpress.com). I enjoy getting to know all the sweet brides and being a part of such a special day in their lives. I love having several artistic outlets to keep me busy!
3. Will you share some stories from the classroom? (Katie does THE best impressions.)
I love getting to be a part of my students lives on a daily basis. It's so amazing to be a part of encouraging them and growing them into the incredible people they will be. They already possess so many qualities that I am constantly envious of. They are alive, free and unbelievably creative. They are amazing.
I absolutely love hearing my kids talk about life and such.... They say hilarious things. A few of my favorites off the top of my head:
"Mrs. Welch, all deez people be coffin (copying) offa me cuz minez be lookin crispy." (crispy means good)
"Welch, I straight up saw yo double ganger dis mornin. Seriously. Same face. Same body." (doppleganger)
"Mrs. Welch, I wish I was deaf or Austin was mute because I am SO sick of hearing him talk. Like...I seriously feel ill!"
"I done dug deep in ma heart for dis drawin, Ms. Welch. I be rockin too thick here on dis drawin like da dude on Twilight. Ya know? He a'int got no shirt on cuz he a star. Den down here I drew a buncha top hearts with top hats on"
I mean... they're brilliant, right? Seriously. They are hilarious and their creative minds constantly give me ideas and challenge me, and they're hearts do as well. I am so blessed to get to do life with them everyday.
I do however, keep a stash of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Dr. Pepper for rough days. Most days are prefaced with prayer and asking God to make me like Him in His grace and love, because lets be honest... after about 145 questions about....nothing... I start to lose my mind. :)
4. Why is being a wife to Nick and a mom to Judah so awesome?
Being a wife to Nick is the best. He is the most laid back, patient man I've ever met. He loves well and is constantly serving me and teaching me how to be a better person. He loves God with his whole heart and just lives it so humbly. Watching him be a dad to Jude has been one of my favorite things about our marriage... it's such an amazing connection. Judah has both of our hearts entirely. He is just the epitome of life and joy. I am constantly thanking God for who Judah is and that I get to be his mommy.... I can't even believe it. I have wanted to be a mom since I was about 5 years old. I seriously carried around a life size doll until I was 12... ha! Judah is everything I've ever dreamed of in a son. I couldn't be more in love with him.

5. Thinking of adding on to your family?
When we got pregnant with Judah we were sort of in the process of finding out about adoption. We felt doors closing in a lot of different directions with adoption and when we found out we had a little nugget growing in my belly, we decided to put adoption on hold. One of our first conversations when Nick and I met was about adoption and how it was a make or break deal with whoever we married because adoption was so heavy on both of our hearts. We are thinking one more biological babe then adoption after that. My heart beats a little faster even thinking about it.
6. Describe your dream house?
Oh dream house, when will we ever find you? We like a good mix of old and modern. Nick loves clean lines and white everything and my heart falls for the history of a place and the stories that happened there. I think the dream home would be an old fire house or building turned into a modern mix. High ceilings, lots of brick, wood floors and white walls. It would have to have a big back yard for our 120 lb. Weimaraner, Moses. Maybe someday the dream home will come along, but our tiny bungalow is the place for now. :)
7. Judah Bear is just over one. What are some of your best moments with him so far?
I have life changing moments with Judah everyday, it seems. He teaches me so much about life and my own heart. I would say some of my best moments with him have actually just been normal times at home, talking. When he said, "MaMa" for the first time, I melted straight onto the floor and cried. It was the best. Also, bedtime every night is so sweet. I love reading to him and when Nick and I surround him and kiss his head a million times before he goes to sleep, it's just one of those life moments where you feel like everything is right with the world. I'm so grateful that I get to have that moment every night. He's a blessing.