Since ET is 8 hours ahead, our court hearing will happen while we are sleeping tonight. Let's be honest here, I probably won't sleep tonight. One, because our big lab keeps sneaking onto the bed on my side and he's huge, but more obviously because I desire more than anything to recieve a call tomorrow morning that says, "You Passed and T______ D____ Jones is officially your son!"
We got a great video of you today. Thank you Karen and John Mark. I hope to show it on this blog tomorrow along with more photos of you! If we pass court tomorrow, I'll put your photos and video here so our friends can see you! It was so great to see you in a video. You are small but mightly little guy! (Karen said the shoes you were wearing were US 4 and they fit well.)
I'll be traveling all day tomorrow, so I will not be able to give word until I arrive home that evening, unless your dad gets to post.
We love you dear son. I hope you are sleeping soundly.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Dear Son,
This is one of my favorite times of year because of how our church celebrates Advent. It is a whole new perspective on Christmas, the time of Jesus birth. You see, in the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas our western culture is so busy buying gifts that the time goes buy without thought of what this holiday means to us. The "Advent Conspiracy" says Worship Fully, Give More, Love All. The past 2 years we have made homemade gifts, and taken the money we would have spent on those gifts towards a greater project. You see, there is a people group in Kenya (which is very close to Ethiopia) that have been without water for awhile now. They are the Pokot people. It is hard to live without water. Tis' the season to think about the coming Jesus, and the opportunity to Give More. Give more to people who have less.
Click here to read more about Jacob Well's Advent Conspiracy.
Click here to see beautiful photos of the Pokot people at one Water Well Dedication in their community. Photographer is Beth Mercer, a friend from Jacobs Well.
Next year we will experience Advent with you. God is good.
Love, Mom
Saturday, November 28, 2009
November Update!

Getty Images Photo titled Fun Rough Housing
Hello little monkey! Are you having fun today? We got your November update and it is a good one! They say that you are 21 lbs. (+2 lbs, good job!), you eat well, you jump from crib to crib, wrestle with your friends, and you laugh when tickled! Jumping, wrestling, and laughing...that is awesome Little T. In one photo it is obvious that you are being tickled by a nanny because you are cracking up laughing. Your dad and I are so happy with these updates, because we see that you are having a ball with the caretakers and with your friends. They said when you first got to the transition home you were quiet and would only watch the other kids play. You have obviously come out of your shell, and are a true 2 year old boy! You are repeating words from the older kids, you nap between 2 and 4pm and sleep from 9pm to 7am. We are so ready to play with you...and hug you, and wrestle with you, and show you the joy of the Lord. I have been giddy all night knowing that we are going to have loads of fun together.
On Tuesday the Ethiopian courts will convene on our behalf. This is the day that we could gain legal custody of you, and we would travel approx 4 weeks later. The wait is nearly over dear child. May the Lord have mercy on us.
Mama Jones
Thursday, November 19, 2009
2nd Care Pkg!
Little Guy, did you get your slinky dink yet? You know what I should have sent? I should have sent you another yellow airplane, because Miss Brandi said you loved the yellow airplane. Hopefully you will like the yellow car! And I made you a necklace with our photo on it! I sent a thing of bubbles for you and your friend. Hopefully you are feeling better now so you can have a bubble party!
Can't wait for our update from Miss Karen! And Miss Jamie Jo!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
sweet little feet

Your sweet little feet were measured last week at a whopping 5 inches! Now I must find out what shoe size equates to 5 inches. You got to meet Mrs Brandi and Mr Matt last week and in a few days you will get a greeting from Mrs Karen and Mr John Mark along with a few goodies.
And guess who may visit you TODAY? It's our special friends Jamie Jo, Hays, and their new 6 year old Rwandan son! Too bad Jamie Jo can't get photos of you (because we did not get her a release form) but she said she will hug you a lot! I am so excited that you get to meet our special friends, the Braners! Jamie Jo helped me pave the way towards adopting you, and for that I am so thankful! Can't believe she gets to meet you today. Awesome. They just got to ET from Rwanda and hope to wrap up paperwork and get home soon, but in the mean time they are stopping by the Transition Home!
I hope you will feel special after all of your visitors! May you know what it is to be loved by God after being loved by these kind people. Your dad and I are so thankful for you.
Love you.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Chicken Pox!
Got an update from Miss Brandi that you have the Chicken Pox! I'm so sorry little guy. I also got a bunch of pictures of you and Brandi while you opened your package. She said you grabbed the little yellow plane when she pulled it out. I see you holding it in each photo! She also said you grabbed the photo album b/c I put your photo on the front. You must have liked seeing yourself! Other than the pox, she said it was almost your nap time and that you were sleepy. I hope you are not too itchy and that you get well soon!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Care Package #1
Hello Handsome Little Fellow,
Did you get your first care package? I'm guessing so, b/c Miss Brandi and Mr. Matt should be back to Kansas City with their son in a few days. Hopefully then we will get updated pics of you looking at our photo for the first time! Well, I know what you might be thinking..."Hey, mom...I didn't see the wiggly caterpiller toy in my care package?" Well you see, luckily I delivered this package to Brandi in person and she so kindly reminded me of the size limits on the package. The caterpiller toy didn't make the cut. It's waiting here for you though! Did you like your Yellow matchbox car? Did you hear our message to you in the card? I hope the photos helped you connect the dots a bit more. That yellow bed in the photo is all YOURS, and the alligator backpack with YOUR name on it from Auntie Ashleigh. That's yours too. You will have your very own room at your new home. Did you see your Chuck Taylor high tops in the photo? And your books and your very own desk? We even got you a vintage bicycle last weekend from Grandpa Ben's auction. I was up last night imagining bringing you home for the first time. Who knows, you may be conked out on your dad's shoulder when we first walk in the door. But when you wake up, we'll be excited to give you a tour of your new house and your special room! My what fun we will have. Remember to pray that all falls into place on Dec 1 so that we can come get you sooner than later! Until then, have fun playing with your friends.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Little Guy -
So while you were sleeping, we got some cool news. One of our close friends at your mom's work decided to round up as many as possible to support your mom. He did it just because that is who he is; a great guy. We were planning on going 3 months w/o your mom getting paid maternity leave. Now, thanks to the Lord and thanks to your mom's co-workers who are both so gracious and giving, we have a paid maternity leave. Everyone gave just a little bit, and it added up to a whole lot. We just needed to tell 360 another thank you. Words don't express what just happened. It isn't about us, it is about you Son, and you are being blessed even when you are in a distant land.
The Lord wants you here son. He wants you to feel loved and feel needed.
The Lord is brining His orphan home.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Toms Shoes in Ethiopia
Tom's Shoes was recently in the Sodo Region of Ethiopia! Isn't that neat? Tom's Shoes is short for Tomorrow's Shoes. They sell a pair of shoes off of their website, and a pair gets delivered to people who don't have shoes. That was recently the case in the Sodo area. Check out the video. What a great concept..."social entrepreneurship."

P.S. Miss Brandi should be delivering your care package today or tomorrow to you! I can't believe she gets to meet you. Will you remind her to measure your feet so we know what size shoes to bring when we travel? Love you munchkin. See you soon.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
initial travel packet

Yesterday we got our initial travel packet from AWAA! Twenty pages of important information and forms! This means that we are to START planning for our travel, but we must pass court before we get definite travel dates. It is exciting to start getting organized and make tentative plans.
May you enjoy the day happy little fellow. You will get your package and photo of us early next week from Miss Brandi! I hope you have a glimpse of understanding that we are going to be your forever mom and dad who love you beyond measure as you go through the photo album I sent. And feel free to share your new toys with your friends.
Love, Mom
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Court Date!
We are getting closer to bringing you home son! We got a court date of Dec 1st! I'm so glad I emailed Anna with AWAA yesterday to touch base because she had sent us an email on Oct 29 that said we got a court date but I never received that email. We must pray to God that all documents and necessary people are present at our hearing on Dec 1, and that the judge would grant us favor.
Here is a bit of Anna's email. "At this time our staff will be working with the orphanage to finalize all documentation needed for your court case. The orphanage will be coordinating with any birthparents needed to appear in court."
Go run and play with your balls and toy cars, son! We are coming soon!
Monday, November 2, 2009
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