Tuesday, September 29, 2009
the duffle shuffle
Hey Little T,
Your pops and I can't stop thinking about you, so we discussed packing last night. We think we will pack the XL north face duffle and medium duffle, instead of rolling suitcases. Those bags hold a lot. The XL duffle is definitely extra large! I told him that I would not be able to carry it. He convinced me that he can hold you on his back in the carrier with the huge duffle on his front. That will be a sight to see. I'm sure I'll be able to carry you some, too. And of course we know that you can walk, but we are guessing that your legs will get tired quickly. Anyway, I'm trying to think of all of the items that you will need, so I'm going to make a list. Must also get our pictures together for your care package. Lots to do and I love doing it because it makes it more real that you are coming home soon!
Love ya,
Sunday, September 27, 2009
With You
I'd like to be with you today, it's true.
I'd like to be with you. We could go to the zoo.
(And of course we would bring dad, too!)
I'd like to be with you all day, to play.
Oh I'd like to be with you today.
Friday, September 25, 2009
more birdies
Hey Little T.
Your great grandma asked what colors your room are. It is a WIP (work-in-progress) but here are a few pics. So far, you have some birdie drapery, a green door, an eskimo pie doll (thanks uncle eric & auntie erica), some good books, a borrowed lamp and bookshelf (thanks cousin andie), a nice dresser, and a sweet little yellow bed. I'll show you more pictures later.
Your great grandma asked what colors your room are. It is a WIP (work-in-progress) but here are a few pics. So far, you have some birdie drapery, a green door, an eskimo pie doll (thanks uncle eric & auntie erica), some good books, a borrowed lamp and bookshelf (thanks cousin andie), a nice dresser, and a sweet little yellow bed. I'll show you more pictures later.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Photo by Shane Henderson.

Dear Little Awesome Son,
How is your day? Good? We have had lots of joy lately as we think of you coming home soon. It has been so obvious that the Lord is taking care of you. He cares for orphans so much and it becomes more clear to me every day. People in our lives are SO excited for you to join our family too. Your dad and I were recently humbled again by another generous gift. Some dear friends of ours want to pay for our travel to pick you up and bring you home. Isn't that special and so generous? You will meet them one day. They will be so glad to meet you.
And you know what else? My coworkers, Michael's students-moms, our friends and our family want to help provide for you by throwing a few parties! They are really special people. You see, being our first child means that your dad and I need to get some basics. Like a carseat, stroller, diapers, a potty chair... and maybe you'll even get some interactive toys and books. We are going to have a really fun time, okay? I've been thinking of some of the parties we'll have. I wondered if you would like some musical instruments so we can have some friends over for a jam session. Our neighbors gave you some red cowboy boots so we can have a hoedown!
I've also been thinking of ways that we could serve the Lord together. There is a school here with kids around your age, but they are without sight. Maybe we could take our band and perform for them one day! We could also make paintings and take them to nursing homes, because God calls us to look out for the widows too. And we can learn a lot from old people.
I hope you are playing with your buddies today. We will talk soon.
-Your Mama
P.S. We're sending you a care package. Hopefully you will open it and feel a swooping boost of love and joy enter your heart. It is traveling with a nice family towards the end of October.
Friday, September 18, 2009
another great story
Hello my little son, I stumbled upon another families story today and thought I would share it with you. This couple adopted a little boy just like we are adopting you. They wrote and published a book about it too. I think it will go on my reading list. I love hearing how God is providing families for African orphans through mama's blogs all over the place. It's so neat to be a part of something bigger that God has going on.
Check out their book here.
Check out the mama's blog here.
(I pray God, that you provide the proper nourishment for our son today. Give him hope that we are coming for him soon.)
Check out their book here.
Check out the mama's blog here.
(I pray God, that you provide the proper nourishment for our son today. Give him hope that we are coming for him soon.)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
birds have wings, but we have arms

Can you read the birdies thoughts on the blue and white note above? Have you ever wished for wings? I could use some right now to fly to the Transition Home and pick you up. Although when I get there I would want to give the wings back so I could hold you with my human arms. Or maybe I could wish for wings, but keep my arms too. Man, the birds would be way jealous of me then, huh?
Here's the link to the birdie note from the blog "It's Nice That" if you can't read it.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dear Son,
How are you this morning? Your dad and I slept with your new blanket last night. It is our hope to send it to you soon along with photos of us. We read that any hint of familiarity will help you transition to us much quicker. My girlfriends, coworkers, and your dad's class want to throw a shower for you. Isn't that so nice of them? I think you may want a tricycle. Don't you think? Your Grandma Debby (my mom) gave you a very cool vintage boy-looking quilt for your bed. And your Nana (your dad's mom) got you a great book called "Silly Mammo", a story of an Ethiopian boy and his mother. We are preparing our home for you, but also our hearts--to love and care for you with God's direction.
Love you Little T,
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Nice to meet you, Sir
Sonny boy,
How are you my little sweet-and-adorable guy? Did you know I can't stop looking at your photo and that next to your pops I think you are the most handsome fella I've ever seen. I'm doing the paperwork and trusting in the Lord to get you home to us soon. Your dad fell asleep with your photo in his hand two nights ago. He wished you a good day of playing before he dozed off to sleep.
I'm working on your room still and will show you some photos tomorrow. Your sweet Great Grandma Ileen mailed you a book and an awesome homemade card today. So many people are getting excited to meet you. Your dad and I wonder if you will be shy. We at least want to teach you to say, "Nice to meet you Mr. so and so" because you will have many people to meet.
Well, good night fella. We love you.
- Mom and Pops
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Little T Jones - Referral Received 09.09.09!
Dear Little T: (your name is also supposed to be our secret until we pass court. oops.)
Wow, holy cow, is this real??? I cannot believe I'm actually writing to you! The real you. Yesterday we got a call from America World and they said that they had a match for us. And it's you. 2 years old. Adorable, says Nicole. I am supposed to be getting two photos of you, hopefully they come to me today. Your dad and I didn't sleep last night as we were thinking of you. We hope that you will be home with us by Christmastime. It's so amazing to see what God is doing in bringing our family together. Oh and by the way...your dad ran into an Ethiopian dad at his school last night (ironiclly) and he told us how to pronounce your name. He said it means, "I have been found." You are so special to us. Soon we will be flying half way across the big world to bring you back to Kansas City so you can be our son, and we can be your mom and dad. Our friends and family are rejoicing with us! I cannot wait for you to meet them all!
So, what's next? We must pass the Ethiopian courts and then we travel 2-4 weeks after. The courts open back up October 8th. We do not have a court date yet.
What else is next? Your life is totally about to change and ours is too! Your dad and I were saying that it is so crazy to think you've been alive for 2 years and we haven't known you. So today I pray that our lives would join soon. I pray that you would have peace. Peace that surpasses understanding.
We love you Little T.
-Mom and Papa Jones
Wow, holy cow, is this real??? I cannot believe I'm actually writing to you! The real you. Yesterday we got a call from America World and they said that they had a match for us. And it's you. 2 years old. Adorable, says Nicole. I am supposed to be getting two photos of you, hopefully they come to me today. Your dad and I didn't sleep last night as we were thinking of you. We hope that you will be home with us by Christmastime. It's so amazing to see what God is doing in bringing our family together. Oh and by the way...your dad ran into an Ethiopian dad at his school last night (ironiclly) and he told us how to pronounce your name. He said it means, "I have been found." You are so special to us. Soon we will be flying half way across the big world to bring you back to Kansas City so you can be our son, and we can be your mom and dad. Our friends and family are rejoicing with us! I cannot wait for you to meet them all!
So, what's next? We must pass the Ethiopian courts and then we travel 2-4 weeks after. The courts open back up October 8th. We do not have a court date yet.
What else is next? Your life is totally about to change and ours is too! Your dad and I were saying that it is so crazy to think you've been alive for 2 years and we haven't known you. So today I pray that our lives would join soon. I pray that you would have peace. Peace that surpasses understanding.
We love you Little T.
-Mom and Papa Jones
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
rainy daydreaming

Photo by Shelba on Flickr
Hey cool guy. Watcha up to today? Have I told you lately how stinking excited I'm getting to be your mom? I daydream about playing with you often. And if you were here today, could we play in the rain? Yes, we would call our friends Tricia and Zion and have them meet us at the park. We would slip on our rain boots and coats and run down the hill to the park to have a rain dance. We could stomp in the huge puddles and laugh the day away. Then we will come home for a nap (you nap, I get things done) and wake up for an afternoon snack. Then we'll get out the pastels because their will be a rainbow in the sky that we need to draw a picture of. After our drawing we could start getting dinner going because your pops would be coming in the door any minute. After dinner we will do the usual evening walk to the plaza with your dad and Owen-the dog. Owen will jump in the fountains and shake all over us. And we'll have gotten two outfits all wet in one day.
Sounds like a pretty good day to me.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Defend the fatherless...
This is a great video that shows many lovable children that are in orphanages in Ethiopia. They are hoping for parents just as our son is. They are waiting for simple nourishment, they are waiting for the love of a mom and a dad. Click below to watch the video.
(Thanks Children's Hope Chest for making this video. I'm sure you were touched by spending time with these children.)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
love this one

So, I love this concept for your room. Not so much the ties, but the writing on the wall, frames and ladders with kid-like stuff hanging. Now I must figure out how to incorporate the concept with the mobile I'm making, with the globes, and the large map of the world.
Oh and by the way, I'm reading a book called "Bring Up Boys," by Dr. Dobson and I love it. Today I read about the importance of a father in a boys life, and how you will look to him to learn how to become a man. I anticipate getting to watch you with your dad. Your relationship will be special.
So, are you ready for us to come and get you yet? We are so ready to get over there and hug your little self!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
hey little piggy

VacaValiente, Loving Leather
will you need a piggy bank,

oops, where did i get this great kids room?
a map of the world,

and a nice cozy rug on your floor?
Alexander Cole's Story
This is a good story that describes the conditions of one child that was adopted from Ethiopia and his new family's journey home with him.
Check out Alexander Cole's Story.
On another note, hi little son. How are you today? I have seen a list of families that are waiting for their little Ethiopian kiddos and not many ahead of us say male 0-3 yrs. One family that turned their dossier in 2 weeks before us got their referral yesterday. Whether we get this lucky or not, I am kicking it into high gear to get ready for your life joining ours. We love you today.
Check out Alexander Cole's Story.
On another note, hi little son. How are you today? I have seen a list of families that are waiting for their little Ethiopian kiddos and not many ahead of us say male 0-3 yrs. One family that turned their dossier in 2 weeks before us got their referral yesterday. Whether we get this lucky or not, I am kicking it into high gear to get ready for your life joining ours. We love you today.
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